Unitarian Ralph Waldo Emerson said that “The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul.” It is right and necessary to be informed, to struggle with ideas and theology, and to continually work toward doing good and being good. And there also comes a time to let go, and let it be.
Live over the past 5 years has twisted our conceptions of the continuum between courage and caution. What does courage look like, in 2021? And how can we live it out as a noble virtue?
Living during this pandemic is HARD, y’all. Join us for this honest but hopeful service about addressing the reality of the isolation but finding contentment (and maybe even joy) within its limitations.
A week ago, we knew an extraordinary cold front was coming. But we had no idea the trauma that was ahead because of bad decision-making by government and industry leaders. This Sunday, we come together with our sorrows, our gratitude, our anger, and our resolve.
Author and activist bell hooks notes that progressives who reference love are often treated with disdain for being naïve, but she contends it is this force that will lead us to dismantle systems of oppression. On this Valentine’s Day, we’ll consider the idea of love as a choice and a force we can channel for […]
In the second part of a two-part series, we address the “cult of disorientation,” and how friends and family members can help someone who has been manipulated by a cult. Part 1 of the sermon series can be found here: https://youtu.be/Ab9y5C4jIZc
After World War II, the Allies instituted a program of removing Nazi ideology from Germany and Austria. Combined with modern research about the most effective ways of saving a loved one from a cult, we can begin the work of rebuilding our society with the values of Beloved Community. January 31, 2021 @ 10 am Rev. […]
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King famously shared his dream where his children would live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. In 2021, what does “character” mean?
President-elect Joe Biden called it “an assault on the most sacred of American undertakings: the doing of the people’s business.” On January 6, domestic terrorists forced their way into the US Capitol building. Join us as we reflect on this moment and what it means about democracy in the United States.