November 19, 2023 by Rev. Fontaine Crawford.
November 12, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford.
November 5, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. In 1818, a historic ruling in Dedham, Massachusetts, determined who “owned” the local church. That answer, and its reasoning, may provide answers to questions about the mission of our own congregation.
October 29, 2023 by Heather Malkawi. How do you fill your spiritual cup? People have left “the church” in record numbers over the years, but where have they gone? Have they found spiritual nourishment elsewhere or are we just losing our religion?
October 22, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. What are the monsters you are afraid of? How much of them are an aspect of yourself? And how do we befriend them?
October 15, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. From William ‘Spirit’ Knifeman in “Reservation Dogs,” to the familial spirits in Gaelic Celtic cultures who return for the holiday of Samhain, ancestor veneration is a spiritual tradition that crosses countries and cultures. How are you inspired and “spoken to” by your ancestors? (Including your UU theological […]
October 8, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. “Trust” is an important concept found in theology, especially among the mystics. There is a practical aspect, too – we are not wholly self-sufficient, and must have some degree of trust simply to exist in this world. The last few years have challenged this trust, but we […]
October 1, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. Pneumatology is the branch of systematic theology concerned with Spirit. As theologian Rebecca Ann Parker writes, “This is how we speak about the elemental life-giving presence or forces that move through all things, through all life, that pervade the environment, sustaining life, connecting us together, and effecting […]
September 24, 2023 by Shan Schaefer. While anti-abortion activists strive to use faith to support their cause, what stories of reproductive health and faith are being left out? How can we look to our own stories and our own histories to fight for reproductive freedom in Texas? Shan Schaffer (no pronouns) is the Just Texas […]
September 17, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. “Do you believe in God?” is a common question UUs get. But what do we mean by God? There are many different understandings, but one heavily influenced by UU thought is process theology.