Rev. Laura Shennum is a guest in our online pulpit this Sunday. Using the Process Theology concept of harmony, she will explore how we can create sustainability in our relations with each other and the world we inhabit.
We have said that we will return to “life as normal” when it is safe. But the whole idea of safety means different things based on our social location. How can we create a world, and a church, where safety may be available to all?
We are a liberal religion, seeking wisdom from liberation theology. Join us this Sunday as we explore the continuum of liberal to liberatory, and the religious challenge laid before us.
A year ago, Easter brought the dawning realization that our lives might be dramatically changed by the pandemic, and for longer than a couple of weeks. This year, our circumstances are similar … but the hope we now have changes everything.
Unitarian Ralph Waldo Emerson said that “The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul.” It is right and necessary to be informed, to struggle with ideas and theology, and to continually work toward doing good and being good. And there also comes a time to let go, and let it be.
Live over the past 5 years has twisted our conceptions of the continuum between courage and caution. What does courage look like, in 2021? And how can we live it out as a noble virtue?
It has been a year since Covid-19 caused the “life as we know it” to change. During this time, we have experienced sorrow, fear, ingenuity, and expressions of great generosity. Join us for this special service uniting Unitarian Universalist religious professionals around the country as we bear witness to this anniversary and respond with hope. […]
Most family trees contain some outlaws or skeletons in the closet–people we might wish to forget or hide away. What do we lose when we cut off part of our heritage? We can find lessons about who we are today, and how we can be better ancestors, if we open ourselves up and wrestle with […]
Living during this pandemic is HARD, y’all. Join us for this honest but hopeful service about addressing the reality of the isolation but finding contentment (and maybe even joy) within its limitations.
A week ago, we knew an extraordinary cold front was coming. But we had no idea the trauma that was ahead because of bad decision-making by government and industry leaders. This Sunday, we come together with our sorrows, our gratitude, our anger, and our resolve.