October 13, 2024 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. We want to be good allies to those who have been historically marginalized. But in order to make actual change, it takes more than just using correct terminology. What does it mean to actually be an ally, not just look like one?

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How to stop being good

October 6, 2024 by Rev. Carrie Holley-Hurt. We are a people who value transformation but so often we tie ourself to the fixed state of being good. Join Rev. Carrie as she explores what transformation means and how it plays into our goal of a more just, loving, and compassionate world.

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From Charity to Solidarity

By Rev. Carrie Holley-Hurt. We are people who have beautifully joined ourselves to liberation and who have centered ourselves and our work in love but what does that look like? Join Rev. Carrie Holley-Hurt as she explores how we can unlearn systems of supremacy that keep us separated from each other.

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