Our musicians continue the amazing work they’ve done in our virtual sanctuary, sharing special music in this worship service dedicated to the power of melody.
Join us online for a worship service full of music, story, and message honoring our UU tradition of the flower communion. Then after the service, from 11-1, come up to Live Oak for a wandering flower communion on our labyrinth and chalice pathway.
Love is asking us to live our values, be hospitable and inclusive, educate for liberation, restore and repair, and most importantly, to Side with Love. Join us for this special service featuring stirring music, deep-hearted reflection, and moving testimonies from a range of UU leaders.
If a boundary falls in the forest with no one around, does anyone hear it? Join us for Part 2 of this sermon series, as Rev. Joanna explores the freedom we give to other people by articulating our boundaries.
The word “freedom” has been claimed this past year as a justification for doing as one wishes. But is that really freedom?
Happy Birthday, Unitarian Universalism! This is simultaneously a very old and a very young religion. How did we get here?
“Tolerance” used to be one of the unifying principles of our faith. Is it still?
Rev. Laura Shennum is a guest in our online pulpit this Sunday. Using the Process Theology concept of harmony, she will explore how we can create sustainability in our relations with each other and the world we inhabit.
We have said that we will return to “life as normal” when it is safe. But the whole idea of safety means different things based on our social location. How can we create a world, and a church, where safety may be available to all?
We are a liberal religion, seeking wisdom from liberation theology. Join us this Sunday as we explore the continuum of liberal to liberatory, and the religious challenge laid before us.