Joy as Resistance

There is so much anxiety, fear, and worry living inside and around us in these chaotic times. Creating intentional joy through resistance is a way to help increase our resiliency and secure sustainability – so we can continue our work in creating the better world we know is possible. Rev. Jami Yandle is a board […]

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Across the United States, people are showing up at school board meetings to protest various recent controversies. But there is an underlying battle that has been waged since 1848 when Unitarian Horace Mann said “Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of […]

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Who Even Are You?

The pandemic has brought new revelations to us … about us. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you want the same things you wanted before spring of 2020? Who are you, and more importantly … who do you want to be?

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Design Your Life for Victory

This month, we’re talking about how to design a life worth living. Unitarian Universalism is a faith that knows we do not live for ourselves alone. Our theology is one of collective liberation and collective salvation. What will be your victory for humanity?

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Coloring Outside the Lines

Somewhere along life’s journey, most of us in the United States are taught that staying in the lines is valued, even when those lines are strangling us as individuals and a society. As we design our own lives, what are the questions we might ask that can lead us toward more joy and interdependence.

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