Why Faith Development for Adults?

“We live in a system whose core belief is that we are self-interested individuals. Liberal religious education challenges this view.” (Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker)

“The purpose of education is humanization. To be fully human is to be a subject who acts upon and transforms the world, and in so doing, moves toward ever new possibilities of fuller and richer life individually and collectively.” (Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed)

Our Adult Faith Formation classes provide an opportunity to learn together in a covenanted community and rediscover our capacity to “consciously and critically experience the world.” 


Our offerings happen throughout the week. Links for gatherings can be found on our Monthly Events page or in the Roots and Wings newsletter.

Drop-In Programming

Our drop-in classes are held after service most weeks from 11-11:50 am. Over the summer, most events will be intergenerational.

Ad-Hoc Classes

Periodically we have classes that meet for a set period of time during the week or on Sundays. Stay tuned for updates on those offerings as they arise.

For the latest news, check the weekly postings in Faith Development News.