Campouts are open to all members and friends of Live Oak, whether you’re an experienced camper, have never camped before or something in between! We usually camp 2 weekends per year, in spring and fall, and we try to choose a campground that is a fairly short drive from Austin since many people work til late afternoon and/or have kids in school on Fridays.
Watch the newsletter and the Live Oak Interests & Events Facebook page for campout announcements. For more info and to connect with other Live Oakers interested in camping, join the Live Oak UU Camping Group on Facebook
The mission of the Live Oak UU Camping Group is:
To Embrace Joy and Enrich Connections by spending a weekend relaxing and enjoying nature and the outdoors together, with no agenda except to have fun.
Contact Info
Jen Swan jmkswan@gmail.com 512-468-4735