Sticker that says "You Make a Difference"

The Generosity of Compliments

During Sunday’s sermon, I gave everyone a gift, which is also homework. To pass out four “You Make a Difference” gold stickers this week. But I forgot to bring it full circle – let us know what happened when you gave one out! Send an email to and let...

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Evolution of Names, Pronouns, and Honorifics

As we expand the pronouns that are used to best capture a person’s identity, it’s interesting to take a step back and see this as another step in being able to respectfully address someone in the fullness of who they are. My mother was born in 1930 when so much...

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LOVE NOTES to Live Oak

Love Notes to Live Oak Identify a place on the Live Oak campus Why is that place special to you? Any place outside I am an outside person, so I always enjoy being out in the open, and we do have an attractive property. But most important is the fact...

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A Delicious Reflection of Asian Cultural Identity

One of the remarkable aspects of Asian food is its ability to bridge generations and create connections. For many Asian Americans, food holds memories of family gatherings, celebrations, and shared meals. Traditional dishes prepared with love and care bring back fond memories from times past. The aroma of fragrant spices,...

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Mahatma Gandhi’s Influence on the Civil Rights Movement

Mahatma Gandhi’s approach to social and political change through nonviolent means resonated with several prominent figures in the Civil Rights Movement, most notably Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King was deeply influenced by Gandhi’s teachings and methods, which he discovered during his studies of the Indian independence movement. Gandhi’s concept...

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Fighting for the “Folk Devil”

Last fall, I gave a sermon about moral panics such as the “Satanic Panic” of the 1980s. A moral panic involves whipped-up hysteria about an identified “folk devil.” The folk devil is usually a marginalized group, and a narrative is made about them that outrages the public as they see...

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Proposed Bylaws Change to Membership

At the May 21st Congregational Meeting a proposed change to the bylaws will be presented for member approval.  The changes are to Article 5: Membership.   If you have questions or wish to provide feedback, please email The proposed changes were developed by the Stewardship Committee.  In the past,...

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Living with Amazement

Mary Oliver was a poet especially beloved by Unitarian Universalists for her ability to bring a spiritual lens to the ordinary. In her poem Sometimes, she writes: Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. This past Sunday, I talked a little bit about the importance...

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