Fighting for Democracy

I know that many of our members were concerned when last week, when we saw the Tennessee House of Representatives vote to expel two of their members for “breaking decorum.” Unitarian Universalist President, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray issued a press release, titled Tennessee Teaches Us We Cannot Normalize Authoritarianism. We Must...

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“We’d Rather Feel Guilty than Helpless”

I read that a few years ago in a psychology article and the truth of it has stayed with me. There is something about being human that often the thing we cannot withstand is to sit in the discomfort of knowing that we often have little control over so many...

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The Story of the Scotties

Have you heard the term “Scottie” at Live Oak? We use that term to talk about a special Sunday greeter, who is knowledgeable about Live Oak and Unitarian Universalism and can talk in-depth about both, answering questions a first-time visitor might have. The term comes from the name of a...

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Texas UU Legislative Action Day at the Capitol

Monday, March 13, Unitarian Universalists from 20 congregations across Texas gathered at the state capitol for Texas UU Legislative Action Day, sponsored and orchestrated by the Texas UU Justice Ministry. Including members of Live Oak! Our own Music Director, Curtis White, directed all the UUs in a singing our hearts...

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This past Sunday, after passing all of the necessary inspections, we cut the ribbon and officially announced that our elevator was ready for use. For long-term members, this day took so long to get here. When Live Oak first took ownership of this building, they began talking about how important...

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Oatmeal Love

Stirring the Oatmeal, excerpted from the book We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love by Robert A. Johnson. “Whether in our birth family or one of our own creation, we find a connection there that makes even ordinary occurrences meaningful. “Many years ago, a wise friend gave me a name for human love....

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Jimmy Carter and the Guinea Worm Straw

Seven years ago, I gave an oddly-titled sermon: “The Guinea Worm Straw.” I am thinking about that today, as the news is spreading that President Jimmy Carter has opted to go into hospice care. The story of the Guinea Worm Straw is still one that fascinates me, and fills me...

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Our Turn to Get the Phone Call

content warning: school shootings My middle daughter, Lily, called me Monday night. “Have you seen what’s happening at Michigan State?” “No, what?” Lily goes to Michigan State. Someone yelled into her workplace that there was a shooter nearby. Her school sent out an email: Run, Hide, Fight. In that brief...

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Closed Practices and Appropriation

In my sermon on Sunday, I talked about how we are a Big Tent religion, drawing wisdom and inspiration from all the world’s faiths, but we’ve learned about how to do this in a respectful and responsible way. I received a few questions about why, for example, it wouldn’t be...

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