Semper Reformanda!

“I don’t even know who I AM anymore!” I laughed to my best friend. She’s known me for more than twenty years. There’s a conversation I’ve seen on Facebook before where people ask, “What could I say that would indicate someone was trying to impersonate me?” and then you answer...

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Saturday, at 2:00, we will join with First UU Austin at their church to do one of our sacred duties as a congregation: we will ordain our former intern, Carrie Holley-Hurt. In our tradition, only a congregation can ordain a minister. Not the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), or the Ministerial...

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Potluck and Plans

Action Items for this Sunday: Bring a dish to share. And bring your calendar to fill out. I will confess, one of my favorite things about church community life is the traditional potluck. We have some excellent chefs in our congregation, and there’s just something about “breaking bread” together, isn’t...

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Getting Ready to Get Down

Like most people who went to standard public school in the United States, this time of year feels more like the beginning of a new year than January. As Joe says in You’ve Got Mail on the topic of fall: “It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would...

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Prayer Given at Gatesville Vigil

Holy Spirit, that we call by many names, or no name, but who calls each of us, and all people, “beloved,” we come together today in anguish. We are a temporary congregation, with different beliefs about the nature and existence of God, and how it is that justice and mercy...

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“Ask Me Anything” Live Oak Version July 9

On June 16, we held our annual “Question Box” service. Those present were invited to submit questions and I answered as many as I could in the amount of time given. There were many great questions left, so I’ll be answering them in today’s and upcoming columns. Question: I was...

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“Ask Me Anything” Live Oak Version July 2

On June 16, we held our annual “Question Box.” Those present were invited to submit questions and I answered as many as I could in the amount of time given. There were so many great questions left, so I’ll be answering them in today’s and upcoming columns. Question: Is Live...

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“Ask Me Anything” Live Oak Version June 25

On June 16, we held our annual “Question Box.” Those present were invited to submit questions and I answered as many as I could in the amount of time given. There were so many great questions left, so I’ll be answering them in today’s and upcoming columns. Question: How is...

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“Ask Me Anything” – Live Oak Version June 18

On June 16, we held our annual “Question Box.” Those present were invited to submit questions and I answered as many as I could in the amount of time given. There were so many great questions left, so I’ll be answering them in today’s and upcoming columns. Question: Do devils...

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“Ask Me Anything” – UU Style!

Long before Reddit introduced “Ask Me Anything,” where people would answer questions about their careers, lives, etc, it was a tradition in Unitarian Universalism to have a “Question Box” worship service. I’ve heard it called by many titles, including “Stump the Minister,” but the format is roughly the same. During...

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