Labyrinth Meeting
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Despite the almost two month span between meetings, a lot happened to move the labyrinth project forward.
- Susan, Joyce, and Linda began writing a Labyrinth Church Service
- Austin Power Equipment donated a bobcat’s services, if the labyrinth committee could find an operator.
- Susan had T-Shirts printed with the labyrinth’s design on it.
With the service just a week away, it was time to start making some decisions and carrying them out. The biggest job that needed to be done before the service was providing a labyrinth for the congregation to walk following the service. It was decided that instead of trying to lay out the labyrinth with rope, that the group would actually make a trial run of creating the labyrinth by spray painting it directly on the lawn. As a backup, Linda volunteered to bring her portable labyrinth on Sunday. It could be rolled out inside in case of rain.
Mike volunteered to bring a guide rope to be used to layout the circuits. The rope would already have knots in it every 42 inches.
It was also decided to have the rock delivered close to the time that the ground would be prepared, so that the bobcat would be available to move the rock to multiple locations. This would prevent the rock from needing to be moved so far by hand.
Susan’s meeting agenda is below, followed by her summary of the meeting.
Reminder of Labyrinth Server next Sunday with painted labyrinth on grass.
T-Shirts: $15 for adult, $10 for youth. ($ to go toward project.)
Go over scheduled work days:
- Feb 27th – land clearing
- Feb 28th – weed block and path
- Mar 6th – complete paths
- Mar 13th – rain date
- Mar 21th – labyrinth dedication after service
Projected costs for rock: roughly $3,800 to be delivered Feb 27th. Where do we want the rock delivered, so that access to labyrinth will be easy?
- Back parking lot (trees?)
- Front parking lot (damage to grass?)
- Business parking lot to the south? Who wants to contact them?
What else do we need to purchase?
- Weed Block – who wants to get it?
- Spray paint for temporary labyrinth and for Weed Block – who wants to get it?
What tools are we going to need for work days?
- Wheel barrows
- Shovels
Getting community involved:
- Emails
- Talking with Religious Education classes
- Larger community invited:
- Labyrinth network
- Community service groups
Food for workdays?
- What do we want to do about food?
- Who wants to head this up?
Other ideas to generate $ for unexpected costs or beautification:
- Pancake breakfast before the service some Sunday.
Labyrinth web page?
Reminder for the Labyrinth service at Live Oak next Sunday, January 18th at 10:30 AM, with a labyrinth walk on the lawn and soup lunch to follow.
Nancy will have a table with books and other labyrinth material to share in the fellowship hall.
Labyrinth t-shirts will be for sale: $10 youth, $15 adults. Sarah Swords (and Sam) and Sue Ann will be handling sales. (Checks are to be made out to LOUU with Labyrinth Project in the memo space.)
Sarah (and Miriam) will be making sign-up sheets for the work days so that we get an even distribution of workers for the day.
Aside from manual outdoor work there will sign up spaces for bringing snacks/drinks, helping with first aid, keeping water refreshed, donating tools, selling t-shirts, etc.
Sarah and Miriam will also be making up a poster board with a labyrinth picture and listed work days.
Joyce, John, Mike, Susan and hopefully Anne will begin working on painting the temporary labyrinth on the grass this Saturday morning at 10 AM.
Sue Ann will be updating Labyrinth web page to include work days and t-shirt info/graphic. She will also put a temporary link on the Live Oak webpage to the labyrinth page.
Work days: Rock will be delivered ASAP so we can utilize the bobcat for moving rock as well as land clearing on the 27th and 28th of Feb. Wheel barrows, rakes, gloves, nails, shovels will be needed for work days.
- Feb. 27th – land clearing
- Feb. 28th – begin rock and gravel placement for labyrinth and path
- Mar. 6th – finish rock and gravel placement for labyrinth and path; plantings
- Mar. 13th – rain date
- Mar. 21st – labyrinth dedication after the service
Discussed best way to lay weed block and stone/gravel with least wear and tear: strips of pattern from furthest point (east) to opening (west).
Discussed community involvement and how to motivate others to join in our efforts: emails, word of mouth, inviting other community groups.
Discussed ideas on how to generate additional funds for the labyrinth: Pancake breakfast before a Sunday service, getting on the coffee house list.
Discussed ideas about ‘extras’ we’d like to have at the labyrinth site:
- “memorial” stone with ‘Live Oak Labyrinth March 21st, 2004’ engraved
- Information box with brochures about labyrinth walks and the church
Memorial gardens to the South will be headed up by Glenn in conjunction with Hella.
Between this meeting and the painting of the labyrinth, Mike, John and Bill kept the email list buzzing with ideas about how to best lay out the turns in the labyrinth. Finally Susan appointed Joyce as official labyrinth drawer, noting that Joyce has lain them out before for retreats and stating “I’m sure it isn’t as complicated as it’s sounding.”
But before the labyrinth was painted, Linda and the CUUPs group were to have a labyrinth walk of their own.
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