There are so many ways that Live Oak members show their love for this church. You serve in leadership, teach classes, work on committees, donate your time, talent, and treasure to this church. And there are little touches that often others don’t know about (like Ray, Becky M, and Tim going in to the church before the Christmas Eve service to move all the chairs, vacuum the sanctuary carpet, and wash the tables and chairs in the Fellowship Hall). You see a need and attend to it, whether it is visiting a member who is ill, running the sound system for a funeral, or just sitting down to talk to someone who needs a listening ear.
When you do these things, you are doing more than the task at hand. You are building this community. “Church” as it was originally used in the earliest days of the faith never referred to a physical structure. The church was the people. You very literally ARE this church.
I am sending you wishes for a holiday filled with joy, love, rest, and renewal. Thank you for making Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church the dynamic, caring, “chosen village” it is.