Process Theology

Last Sunday, I explained a little bit about process theology, and invited those interested in learning more to ask me for some book recommendations. Several of you have responded, so here you go!

Process Theology: A Guide for the Perplexed by Bruce G. Epperly
Piglet’s Process: Process Theology for All God’s Children, Bruce Epperly
Creating Women’s Theology: A Movement Engaging Process Thought by Monica A. Coleman


Our Ultimate Canvas, Gary Kowalski, UU World

Thomas Jay Oord – What is Process Theology

Probing Process & Reality – “Why Whitehead?”

(As I mentioned in Sunday’s sermon, not only has process theology been significant and influential in Unitarian Universalism, but the reverse is also true. Charles Hartshorne, who took Whitehead’s philosophy and developed it into process theology, was a member of First UU Church of Austin.)

Over the last 20 years or so, Unitarian Universalism has matured from being the reactive movement that emerged in the 1960s, heavy on what we rejected and light on the substantive, deep work of figuring out what we do believe. Additionally, the increased theological diversity that has come with members who were raised Hindu, Buddhist, or other non-Abrahamic religions has widened our “library of lived experiences.” (For instance, it has sometimes been shocking for UUs who rejected Christianity and tended to exoticize other world religions to learn that the children of those religions could reject their family belief systems for many of the same reasons.)

What we reject IS important, but I’m glad we’ve moved into a chapter where we know it’s not the only important thing, and where we can dig into the wide field of beliefs and concepts about god, Spirit, human character, etc. with curiosity and respect.