There are many opportunities to participate at Live Oak. More than just attending a service each week, you can also directly contribute to the life of the congregation. We understand that many people have busy lives and are not looking for another responsibility, participation is a way to know the other members of the congregation better and create deeper connections. And, as opposed to a work environment where the goal is to complete a task in order to make the company’s sales forecast, at Live Oak, the goal is to build community and the tasks are voluntary and usually short term. You also get a large say in the task.

Sunday Service Opportunities

The HoMe team, which stands for Hospitality and Membership,  provides opportunities to help on Sunday mornings by being a worship leader, greeter, or coffee server. All ages are welcome. Please contact for more information and to participate.

There are also opportunities to run the sound system or the live stream for the service. Contact for more information.