Emma Goldman famously wrote that she rejected the idea that commitment to a cause “should demand the denial of life and joy,” often misattributed as “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.”
Live Oak, I think we need a party, and I know we need to do some fundraising, so let’s pull those two things together.
We’ll be having a live service auction on May 4. Now, some of you may not know what that is, and some may know what we’ve done in the past, but this one will be different (and in some ways, easier).
A service auction is where each of us offers up something to contribute. There may be a few tangible items, but the majority of what we’ll be offering is experiences. Maybe you have a time-share or a vacation home you’re willing to let someone stay in for a week. Perhaps you can teach a skill – last time, I had a tamale-making workshop where attendees got to take home the product. Or maybe you have a service you can provide, like grouting someone’s shower or cooking a romantic dinner for two.
And we combine that with a party. Great things to eat and drink, probably a live auction along with a silent auction.
To get the ball rolling, we need a team. I’ll be heading it up with Krystle Gervais, and we need party planners, publicity people, organizers, creative thinkers, decorators, and more. And if I have any vote in the matter (I do!), we’re going to have a lot of fun planning this shebang.
Who’s in? Let me know at minister@liveoakuu.org.