Wanted: Holiday Magic Makers

Every year, on the second Saturday of December, Live Oak hosts a festival for our larger community – the Selfies with Santa Holiday Festival. Santa Claus arrives at Live Oak and families get to bring their children for a no-stress, no-waiting-in-lines visit with St. Nick. Volunteers are on hand to help them get loads of family “selfies” with Santa.

We need volunteers to help with this, but right now, we also need your creativity and passion. The “Selfies” part is standard, but we have other parts of the Festival that can change year to year. What should we add this year?

We’ll for-sure have a no-prices Bake Sale, and we need a coordinator of that. What’s involved: get members to bake holiday goodies, package them individually, and bring up to the church that weekend. No pricing needed: we put out a “pay what you’d like” sign and people are unfailingly generous.

We will have an auction: can you volunteer to make signs or do coordination or setup for that?

Are there other activities you think would go well with this festival? Maybe a craft fair, a gift-wrapping service, ornament making workshop, or …?

If you are willing to help out in any way, let me know! Minister@liveoakuu.org