Action Items for this Sunday: Bring a dish to share. And bring your calendar to fill out.
I will confess, one of my favorite things about church community life is the traditional potluck. We have some excellent chefs in our congregation, and there’s just something about “breaking bread” together, isn’t there? During that first “lockdown” year of the pandemic, we even put together a church cookbook, because “Yum, what’s your recipe?” is such a common question. (Hmm, might be time for another one!)
We’ll also be sharing information about upcoming events that you may want to take part in. It’s a great time to fill in your social calendar.
As I mentioned last week, this time of year feels more like the start of a new year than does January. It’s a time not so much for making resolutions as much as looking ahead and really feeling it’s a time for opportunities and fresh starts. Do you feel you’re getting the most out of your membership here at Live Oak? Now’s a great time to take advantage of all that we have to offer, from programs to groups to self-study. Have you visited our library? We did a major overhaul this year and there are some treasures in there for your spiritual journey. For example, if you want to learn more about Unitarian Universalism, there are many books in there I’ve hand-selected because they’re new and relevant.
Anyway, see you this Sunday at church. Oh, and please do go sign up with what you’re going to bring so that Gladys doesn’t get anxious and quadruple her marshmallow salad.