Gathering Around the Crowded Table Again

Our Fed & Informed Potluck luncheon on Sunday was wonderful. Our Fellowship Hall was full, our tables were filled with delicious food, and I know that I was not the only person to feel a little emotional at the normalcy of it all. Committees, teams, and groups shared about what...

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Our History of Being an Ever Widening Circle

Some members have asked for some of the quotes and timeline points from this past Sunday’s service, about Unitarian Universalism’s evolution from two Christian denominations to the open, pluralist faith we are today. Here you go! 1777 Universalist George deBenneville writes:  “As no church is pure in all things, so none...

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Living with Amazement

Mary Oliver was a poet especially beloved by Unitarian Universalists for her ability to bring a spiritual lens to the ordinary. In her poem Sometimes, she writes: Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. This past Sunday, I talked a little bit about the importance...

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The Art of Nimbleness

The ability to be nimble should never take the place of careful planning and organization, but part of being a congregation is the role of “the unexpected.” It can be serious and unfortunate, such as when one of our pipes became uncoupled January 23rd, causing a flood in our education...

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Luck? Coincidence? Blessing?

I heard an interesting footnote to the timeline of our recent “flood”: The Story of Four Coffee Cups Over the holiday, a teacher had taken four coffee cups home from the STEM School.  She wanted to give them a good scrubbing because we all know how coffee cups need a...

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