Proposed Bylaws Change to Membership

At the May 21st Congregational Meeting a proposed change to the bylaws will be presented for member approval.  The changes are to Article 5: Membership.  

If you have questions or wish to provide feedback, please email

The proposed changes were developed by the Stewardship Committee.  In the past, the annual Stewardship Drives required that each member sign a new pledge form every year.  This requirement of submitting a new form every year distracts from the purpose of the stewardship drive which is to encourage support to our church with time, talent, and treasure.  With the proposed bylaws changes, the Stewardship Committee hopes for a seamless roll over each year much like other organizations you maintain membership.  

When a individual becomes a member of Live Oak Church, they are required to make a Financial Commitment.  In the future during the Stewardship Drive, members will have an opportunity to reevaluate their original Financial Commitment and change it depending on their financial circumstances. They will not be required to sign a new pledge form each year to maintain membership.

During this review process it was also felt that the age to become a member should be more reflective of Live Oak’s commitment to being intergenerational.  Therefore it is proposed that the age to become a member will be lowered from 18 to 14 .

The following are the specific suggested changes.  We hope you will support and vote for these changes to the bylaws.  

Thank You, Members of the Stewardship Committee

(Proposed changes are underlined below.)

Current LOUU Bylaws on Membership

Article 5: Membership

Section 5.1: Method of Joining

To become a member of the Church, one must be at least 18 years of age, attend a membership orientation meeting, submit a pledge form, and sign their name in commitment to the church covenant.

Section 5.2: Rights of Membership

Any member of the Church may speak to and vote on matters presented at any congregational meeting.

Members may attend, give information at, and express ideas on agenda items at meetings of the Board of Trustees. Members are eligible for leadership roles in the church.

Section 5.3: Termination of Membership:

Any member choosing to resign from the church may do so by submitting a (physical or electronic) letter of resignation. Members who have not submitted a pledge form before January 1st of each year will be removed from membership. Any member may be removed by a majority vote by the Board.

Changes Proposed by Stewardship Committee. To be Voted on at Congregational Meeting, May 21st

Section 5.1: Method of Joining

To become a member of the Church, one must be at least 14 years of age, attend a membership orientation meeting, submit a financial commitment form (as an individual or part of a household), and sign their name in commitment to the church covenant.

Section 5.2: No Change

Replace 5.3: Termination of Membership:

Any member choosing to resign from the church may do so by submitting a (physical or electronic) letter of resignation. Any member may be removed by a majority vote by the Board of Trustees. Members who have not made a recorded financial contribution or made a special arrangement with the church during the last 12 months may be terminated during periodic membership reviews.