Celebrating the Common Table

This Sunday, I have been told, is one of our most popular services for our kids and youth – the Feast of Bread and Cider! I mean, a double-long table filled with all different kinds of bread…what’s not to like? (There will also be gluten-free offerings.)

This is an annual tradition for Live Oak, and for many Unitarian Universalist congregations. Held on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, it celebrates the heritage of each individual and honors how the life experiences of each member can “feed” the rest of the community.

At this time in our culture, diversity of heritage is not appreciated in all corners. Routinely, DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) programs in schools are criticized by those who want history to be only told from the viewpoint of colonizers, and who want white cultural mores to be considered normative.
Along with being historically inaccurate and ethically wrong … what an incredibly boring world that would make!

Everyone in our community brings with them a long trail of ancestors. Some we know, far more we don’t. But they ride along with us in our DNA, in the stories told at family gatherings, in old photographs, and in our traditions.
And then we come together — strangers to each other at one time — and bring with us these ancestors who ride along in our bones. America is not a “melting pot,” it never has been and never should be. But we do influence and shape each other’s journey. We share from our heritage, and all benefit from the stories (and recipes!) of each member.

I look forward to tasting the bread you share, and even more, to hearing the story behind it. Bring a bread from your heritage, or that is special to your family in some way. When you arrive, take it with you to your pew – we will ask you to bring it forward later in the service.

And for those willing to help pour cider, slice bread, or any of the other little tasks that make this possible, please sign up here:

If you’re a helper and want to know more about how this all works: https://link.liveoakuu.org/BreadServiceTasks